DNSSEC Support


What is DNSSEC

an style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: small;"> an>

an style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: small;">DNSSEC is the abbreviation for 'an>an style="font-size: small;">Domain Name System Security Extensions'. It is a set of extensions to the domain name system (<abbr class="glossary" title="Domain Name Server">DNSabbr>), basically to allow clients to verify the authenticity and integrity of <abbr class="glossary" title="Domain Name Server">DNSabbr> records.an>

an style="font-size: small;">For a domain to make use of DNSSEC, the following is needed:an>

an style="font-size: small;"> an>

  • an style="font-size: small;">the domain type (<abbr class="glossary" title="Top Level Domain">TLDabbr>) needs to support DNSSEC (i.e. the registry)an>
  • an style="font-size: small;">the registrar of the domain needs to allow to 'activate' and configure DNSSEC for a domainan>
  • an style="font-size: small;">the configured nameservers need to support DNSSECan>
  • an style="font-size: small;">the clients (e.g. browsers) need to make use of DNSSEC  an>

an style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: small;"> an>

an style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: small;">You may have a look at <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain_Name_System_Security_Extensions">Wikipediaa> or this short <a title="DNSSEC Internet Society" href="https://www.internetsociety.org/deploy360/dnssec/basics/" target="_blank">tutoriala> as starters for reading more about these topics.an>

an style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: small;"> an>

DNSSEC Support at Joker.com

Joker.com enables you to 'activate' and configure DNSSEC for nearly all of your domains - most domain types (TLDs) do support DNSSEC. The only exceptions at Joker.com currently are .ws and .cn.


an style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: small;">Please note: Joker.com supports DNSSEC with standard Joker.com name servers as well as with domains that use external name servers.an>

an style="font-size: small;">an style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"> an>an>

an style="font-size: small;">an style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">1) for Joker.com nameservers: To enable DNSSEC, please go to "<a href="/goto/modify" target="_blank">My Domainsa>" and click on "<a href="/goto/modify_zone"><abbr class="glossary" title="Domain Name Server">DNSabbr>a>". There you will find the "Enable DNSSEC" button. If you then click on "Save changes", you are done!

an style="font-size: small;">an style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"> an>an>

an style="font-size: small;">an style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">2) for DNSSEC with  own or external name servers: Please use our instructions <a class="intfaqlink" href="/faq/content/11/503/en/step_by_step-how-to-use-dnssec-with-a-jokercom-domain-and-a-dns-hosting-provider.html"> Step-By-Step: How To use DNSSEC with a Joker.com Domain and a <abbr class="glossary" title="Domain Name Server">DNSabbr> Hosting Providera>

an style="font-size: small;">an style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"> an>an>

an style="font-size: small;">an style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">To find out if your domain is working properly with DNSSEC, you may use the <a title="DNSSEC Analyzer" href="http://dnssec-debugger.verisignlabs.com/" target="_blank">DNSSEC Analyzera>.

an style="font-size: small;">an style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"> an>an>

an style="font-size: small;">an style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">Resellers will find similar commands to operate DNSSEC using DMAPI and <a href="https://rpanel.io">RPanela>.an>an>



Tags: DNS, dnssec

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