Who can modify name server records?


Name Server Records

an style="font-family: Arial,Helvetica; font-size: small;"> an>

an style="font-family: Arial,Helvetica; font-size: small;">If Joker.com is providing the nameservice, the owner of a domain (the Joker.com-account which registered the domain) is able to add nameserver records like <a class="intfaqlink" href="/faq/content/11/98/en/how-to-create-a-name-server-_record.html"> an style="font-family: Arial,Helvetica; font-size: small;">IP addresses, <abbr class="glossary" title="Universal Resource Locator ('Link')">URLabbr>- or email forwarding entriesan>a> and similar.an>

an style="font-family: Arial,Helvetica; font-size: small;"> an>

an style="font-size: small;">Additionally, this owner may <a class="intfaqlink" href="/faq/content/5/446/en/how-to-grant-roles-%3D-grant-permissions-to-others.html">an style="font-size: small;">assign 'roles' to other Joker.com accountsan>a> - the roles 'Admin' and '<abbr class="glossary" title="Domain Name Server">DNSabbr>-Admin' then also are enabled to enter or modify this sort of data. This can be used to delegate the <abbr class="glossary" title="Domain Name Server">DNSabbr> administration to another Joker.com-User.an>

an style="font-size: small;"> an>


Tags: DNS, email-forwarding, nameserver, Nameservice, URL-Forwarding

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