C# / .NET Demonstration /w Code

Applications for domain management with DMAPI are very easy to create using MS Visual Studio. This example code logs into the Joker.com system using DMAPI requests.

It provides a domain listing, whois lookup and "Email verification".


This has been tested using Visual Studio 2008 and 2010, but should work with any version, and also with free Visual Studio Express and .NET versions from 3.5 onwards. Please find the source code as an attachment below.


We also provide this as a windows binary to try without the need of building it before. In case you run Windows 10 with "Smartscreen", you have to click on "more information" to execute this, since this binray of course is not signed by a "manufacturer"...


This is how this will look like:


C#/.NEt DMAPI Example



attached files: DMAPI-Example.exe, C#-DMAPI-Example.zip

Tags: dmapi, examples, reseller

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