2.6 Tools

Check Domain Availability


General Information

This is an additional tool which makes it easy to check if a domain is available for registration. All you have to do is to connect to:

Host: whois.joker.com
Port: 4343


and issue the command


domain:[sld.tld] [lang=IDN-tag]



Technical Issues



using telnet: 

telnet whois.joker.com 4343

Possible replies are:

status of the domain answer
domain is available: domain:joker.com free
domain is registered already: domain:joker.com registered
domain status is unknown (registry down, etc):

domain:joker.com unknown [optional error text]



Last update: 2017-08-16 15:15

WHMCS Registrar Module for Joker.com


Please see WHMCS Registrar Module.




Last update: 2018-11-15 17:02