2.2 DMAPI >> Requests >> Account and Handling


Login with Username & Password


Requires (mandatory):

username Joker.com username (email address)
password Joker.com password



Auth-SID Authenticated Session ID, must be provided with any other request (parameter auth-sid)
List of TLDs List of domain TLDs which are available to the reseller.


To be able to use the entire API, you must have a reseller account with Joker.com (and use this account to log in).







Login with API Keys

Instead of using your user- and password credentials, you may also use so called 'API keys' for login. This way, you can create several DMAPI access facilities, which has several advantages:


Create your API keys in 'My Profile' in section 'Manage Joker.com API access keys'


Example usage:




The result is the same as for "login"-request, you have to use the provided auth-sid for the subsequent actions.






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Used to forcibly close (terminate) a session. The session identified by Auth-SID may not be used anymore to send requests. Normally not required as session will timeout anyway (default: 1 hour).






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get results of requests still in progress

showall get all results incl. deletes using result-delete

get results for specifed period of days (default: 90)

date get results received on (or before) specified date. When date is specified, parameter "period" will be applied to this date (instead of today) and defaults to 1

start dispalying results from specified position

limit only get number of results specified by limit

get results having specified status (ack/nack/?)


when set to 1, only count number of records and return single line in format "Records: N"

All following filters may use patterns ("*" and "?")


get results for requests of specified type (domain-register/etc)

get results for specified object ids (domain names, contacts, hosts)

procid get results for specified proc-id
svtrid get results for specifued SvTrId
cltrid get results for specified ClTrId



List of answers from joker.com (one per line):

TimeStamp SvTrId Proc-ID request-type status ClTrId




TimeStamp: The time when request was made, YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
SvTrID: Tracking-Id associated with this request.
Proc-ID: Proc-Id associated with this request.
request-type: The type of the request.
request-object: The object name (host, domain or contact handle)
status: ack, nack or ?, where ack means that request was completed successfully.
ClTrId: User specified transaction ID, or "-" if nothing was provided by the user






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Proc-ID One of these must be specified. If both are specified, SvTrId has precedence.


Answer (processing result) associated with specified Tracking/Processing ID.

If detailed information (content) is not available, only status will be returned


Please note:

Since there is no requirement of uniqueness for user-specified transaction ids, it is not possible to use them to retrieve specific results.













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One of these must be specified. If both are specified, SvTrId has precedence




A descriptive message (confirmation) in case of success.

This request will delete the content (not the status) of a reply to an asynchronous request. Deleted results will not be listed anymore when using result-list.


Semantics of parameters are similar to result-retrieve.


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Returns reseller profile data in format "key: value". May be used to query account balance





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2.2 DMAPI >> Requests >> Domains



Accepts (optional)

pattern Pattern to match (globbing, like "dom*")


Start from this item in list


End by this item


Returns additional column, showing domain status; may be 0 or 1


Returns additional column, showing domain grants; may be 0 or 1


Returns additional columns, showing privacy status; may be 0 or 1

The following columns will be added:

privacy-status - shows the currently active privacy status
privacy-origin - shows the privacy status, which was bought
privacy-expiration - shows the expiration date of privacy



List of registered domains and their expiration dates (one per line, separated by whitespace). If "showstatus" is present, the the list will be with three columns, the last one showing domain status (like "lock,autorenew" etc - comma separated).







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Requires (mandatory)

Domain name to register
period Registration period in months (not in years!)
status Set domain status (only "production" is accepted so far)
owner-c Owner contact handle
billing-c Billing contact handle
admin-c Administrative contact handle
tech-c Technical contact handle
ns-list List of name servers, delimited by colon

Accepts (optional)

autorenew if set to "1", domain will be autorenewed upon expiration

3 letter language code for IDN domains


Registrar tag, also known as "Membership token", currently only needed for .XXX domains


basic|pro|none - adds whois privacy subscription to domain order, see also Whois Privacy Services


maximum price user is willing to pay for a domain registration, renewal or transfer. If provided, it must be a number (fractions allowed) above 0.

If not provided and domain has non-standard pricing, or if max-price is lower than actual domain price at the moment of registration, the request will fail.
If max-price is higher than the actual domain price, then only the actual price will be deducted


This request allows to register a domain.

You must have registered contacts (handles) to be able to register a domain.(=> contact-create, query-contact-list)

Important: Please note that the registration period is in months, not years. In most cases, this number is a multiple of 12.







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Requires (mandatory)

domain domain name to renew
period renewal period in months (not in years!)


the wanted expiration year (e.g. '2014')


Accepts (optional)

privacy          basic|pro|none|keep - adds whois privacy subscription to domain renewal

none: explicitly do a renew without privacy services, even if currently privacy is enabled

keep: renew with the same level of privacy service which is currently active for the domain

see also Whois Privacy Services


maximum price user is willing to pay for a domain registration, renewal or transfer. If provided, it must be a number (fractions allowed) above 0.

If not provided and domain has non-standard pricing, or if max-price is lower than actual domain price at the moment of registration, the request will fail.
If max-price is higher than the actual domain price, then only the actual price will be deducted



With this request you can renew the domain. Please be aware that all renewals are not refundable.


"expyear" is a safety option which can be used instead of "period" to renew domain till specified year (not longer). If you use "period", and by mistake send the request more than once, domain will be renewed again, while with "expyear", it will not be renewed if it's expiration year is greater or equals to specified.

Only one of "period" or "expyear" may be used, but not both.


Please note:






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Requires (mandatory)

domain domain name to modify


Accepts (optional)

billing-c domain contact data to modify
ns-list   list of new nameservers delimited by colon ":" (it will replace existing nameservers!)

Registrar tag, also known as "Membership token", currently used for .XXX domains


if specified, allows setting or removal of DNSSEC keys for domain. If not specified, DNSSEC records will not be changed. Value of "0" will remove DNSSEC, value of "1" will add DNSSEC (and ds-N parameters must be provided)

 ds-1            list of DNSSEC parameter sets (min. 2, max. 6) for DNSSEC enabled domains
 ds-2            for com/net/org/tv/cc each entry has format:
 ds-3                tag:alg:digest-type:digest
 ds-4            for de:
 ds-5                protocol:alg:flags:pubkey-base64

With this request you can modify


Please only specify contact handles which you want to modify, all unspecified handles will be left as is.


For DNSSEC, you will find more information here .






Example for adding a key (and enabling DNSSEC):



Example for removing DNSSEC information:



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Requires (mandatory)

domain name to delete


Accepts (optional)

if present and set to '1', 'Y' or 'Yes', the domain will be deleted even if older than 72 hours.

With this request you can delete a domain.

If you delete a domain (gTLDs only) within the first 72 hours after the registration, the registration-fee will be refunded to your account.

To delete a domain which is registered for more than 72 hours, you must specify "force=1", otherwise the request will be rejected.
Please note: The number of refundable deletions of domains per month is limited, and depends on the number of domains in a portfolio, and the related TLD registry.







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domain domain name to change the owner of
name (optional) full name (if empty, fname + lname will be used)
fname first name
lname last name
title (optional)
individual (optional) Y, Yes, N, No
organization   (optional if individual)
email mailaddress of the contact
address-1 street address
address-2 (optional)
address-3 (optional)
state (optional)
country ISO country code (2 letters)
extension (optional)
fax (optional)
lock-opt-out (optional) yes, no  (new IRTP-C: do not apply a 60 days transfer lock to the domain)

With this request you can change the visible WHOIS owner of a domain.

Either "name" or "lname" and "fname" must be provided. Fields not marked as optional are mandatory, and must not be empty.

For the revised ICANN IRTP-C (change of registrar) policy, please also visit our documentation.



  https://dmapi.joker.com/request/domain-owner-change?domain=example.com&fname=John&lname=Doe&email=johnd@someisp.com&address-1=Smartroad 1&city=Smalltown&postal-code=40122&country=US&phone=+1.422.8001&auth-sid=<your-current-session-id>





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Requires (mandatory)

domain domain name to lock

With this request you can lock a domain to prevent from fraudulent transfer attempts.

If a domain is locked, each transfer-request from a foreign registrar will be declined.







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Requires (mandatory)

domain domain name to unlock

With this request you can unlock a domain.

If you want to transfer a domain to a foreign registrar, it has to be unlocked.







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Requires (mandatory)

domain full qualified domain name to transfer to Joker.com
transfer-auth-id AUTH-ID required for all domains except .eu
owner-c new owner contact handle to be used for transferred domain


Accepts (optional)


new admin contact handle

tech-c new tech contact handle
billing-c new billing contact handle

new domain status to be set after transfer (lock, production)


renewal period in months, not in years! [not in use, please leave empty]


Autorenew flag for the domain (0 or 1); if not set explicitly, defaults to 1


list of colon-separated nameservers

privacy basic|pro|none - adds whois privacy subscription to domain transfer, see also Whois Privacy Services

maximum price user is willing to pay for a domain registration, renewal or transfer. If provided, it must be a number (fractions allowed) above 0.

If not provided and domain has non-standard pricing, or if max-price is lower than the actual domain price at the moment of registration, the request will fail.
If max-price is higher than the actual domain price, then only the actual price will be deducted


With this request you can initiate a transfer of the domain from another registrar to Joker.com.

You have to provide a valid AUTH-ID (you have to request this from the current provider of the domain).


Please note:








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Requires (mandatory)

domain domain name or pattern
pname property name 
pvalue property value (may be empty)


With this request you can set a property (flag) for a domain or a set of domains, selected by wildcard pattern.


List of available properties and their effects:


0 or 1

If set to 1, the domain will be automatically renewed on expiration (if you have enough funds in your account)


 0 or 1

currently only used for .tel domains; if set to 1, owner information will not be shown in whois


off or basic or pro (if available)

If an empty value is provided, then the property will be cleared, i.e. the default will be used.






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domain domain name
pname property name (same as in domain-set-property)


With this request you can query the value of a specific property set for a domain.

It returns a single line, which looks like:

autorenew: 0







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domain domain name to get AUTH-ID for


Retrieves domain's Auth-ID, which is required when transfering domains to another registrar.

This request is not real-time, i.e. you have to check detailed reply (use "result-retrieve") to get the Auth-ID.


Please note:

Every request will generate a new Auth-ID, thus rendering any previously requested Auth-ID invalid.








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This request allows to retrieve status information for all pending transfers. Additionally, transfers can be cancelled, or the FOA email can be re-sent. 



        action                  One of: list, show, resend-foa, cancel
        domain                  Domain name to control transfer of (ignored when action=list)



When action=list, this request returns a list (columns are separated by tabs) of all currently pending transfers:


        <domain> <state> <owner-email> <admin-email>


where <state> is one of (listed in "natural" transition order):




                        Joker.com could not parse the recipient of the FOA.
                        Manual action from Joker.com is required and happens
                        during office hours, thus in worst case it may take
                        few days (during weekend or holidays).

                        FOA is sent and Joker.com is waiting for owner's
                        reaction. Owner has 5 days to react, thus the state
                        may last up to 5 days.
                FOA_NACK                FOA is rejected
                FOA_ACK                 FOA is accepted


                        FOA had been accepted, transfer request is sent
                        and the losing registrar has to release the domain.
                        This state may take up to 5 days, we could do nothing
                        to speed it up.
                        While in this state, transfer may be cancelled
                        by using "action=cancel".

                        The user has requested cancel of domain transfer
                        by using "action=cancel".

                        The domain is actually with Joker.com, but either
                        we haven’t noticed yet (batch pending) or manual
                        work is necessary.
                        Please contact Joker.com if this state lasts longer
                        than 1 hour.





When action=show, the status of a specified domain is returned like:


        domain: example.com
        status: FOA_BEEN_SENT
        owner_email: owner@example.com
        admin_email: admin@example.com
        transfer-id: 123456



When action=resend-foa, FOA will be resent (only possible in state FOA_BEEN_SENT).



When action=cancel, the (pending) transfer will be cancelled.



Status code is 1000 for successful request, or >= 2000 otherwise.



Example request:





Last update: 2018-01-29 14:28



Requires (mandatory)

domain domain name to check



Accepts (optional)


check-price If provided, specifically check the price for: create, renew, transfer, restore

If provided, price will be calculated based on specified period. Period may be specified in years (values from 1 to 10) or in traditional for DMAPI months (>= 12, must be a multiple of 12).


Relevant only for IDN domains, specifies language as 2 letter (ISO 639.1) or 3 letter (ISO 639.2) code:



With this request you can check if a domain is available for registration, and what type of domain pricing will be applied for different types of orders.


Returns one or more lines with key-value pairs as follows:

  domain-status: <status>

<status> can be one of:

available     regular domain (non-premium) available for registration
premium premium domain available for registration
unavailable     domain is not available for registration

If <status> is "unavailable", then domain-register request will fail, though domain-transfer-* and domain-renew (if domain is with Joker.com) are possible, of course.

  domain-status-reason: <status-reason>

Provides human-readable description why domain is unavailable for registration, like blocked, reserved, registered etc.
May be absent if registry does not provide specific reason. Should not be parsed as value is registry dependent and could be virtually anything.

  domain-class: <class>

Specifies price-class. Anything but "standard" is considered "premium", though some registries use "tier-1", "premium", "BBB" etc.
Mostly a hint, values except "standard" should not be interpreted as they have no useful meaning and vary among registries.

  domain-price-<type>: <price> <currency> <period>y

Reports domain price, where <type> will be value provided in check-price parameter, i.e. create, renew, transfer, restore.

  domain-price-promo: <start> <end>

<start> and <end> are ISO timestamps in format like 2019-07-01T00:00:00.000Z

For domains that have promotional pricing, this provides start and end timestamps of promotional period. Usually its mere presence means that promo-pricing is in effect, but to be sure values have to be checked explicitly.
If "domain-status" returned "premium" or "domain-class" returned anything but "standard", then the parameter max-price must be present in register/transfer/renew requests.

Full response example (web.blog):


    domain-status: unavailable 
    domain-status-reason: blocked
    domain-class: standard
    domain-price-create: 8.21 USD 1y
    domain-price-promo: 2019-09-01T00:00:00.000Z 2019-12-31T23:59:59.000Z







Last update: 2019-12-18 17:29

2.2 DMAPI >> Requests >> Contacts




pattern pattern to match (against handle)
from start from this item in list
to end by this item in list
tld limits output to contact handles which may be used with specified toplevel domain (tld), like "com".
extended-format provides additional information for every contact listed: name & organization. May be "1" or "0", defaults to "0"


List of registered contacts (handles), one per line.

When "extended-format" is requested, output columns are separated by tabs ("\t"), and "Columns" header provides column names.











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tld target TLD where this contact is intended to be used.
name full name (if empty, fname + lname will be used)
fname first name (required for .FI contacts)
lname last name (required for .FI contacts)
title (optional)
individual (optional) Y, Yes, N, No
organization (optional if individual)
email mailaddress of the contact
address-1 street address
address-2 (optional)
state (optional)
country ISO country code (2 letters)
fax (optional)
lang language to use for .EU contacts


required for .US contacts


required for .US contacts
nexus-category-country required for .US contacts
account-type required for .UK contacts, if used as owner contact

required for .UK contacts with specific account types


required for .SE/.NU contacts


(optional) for .SE/.NU contacts


required for .FI contacts

x-ficora-is-finnish (yes/no) required for .FI contacts
x-ficora-registernumber  required for .FI contacts, if ficora-type is company
x-ficora-identity required for .FI contacts, if type is person and finnish
x-ficora-birthdate required for .FI contacts, if type is persion and not finnish
x-ficora-legalemail (optional) for .FI contacts

Either "name" or "lname" and "fname" must be provided.

Fields not marked '(optional)' are mandatory (and must not be empty).


Parameters "lname" and "fname", if provided, will be converted to "name" (simple concatenation of "fname" and "lname"), because registries support only "name" format. In general, use of "fname" and "lname" is deprecated, and support for these fields will be removed in version 1.2.


"orgid" represents Swedish personal or organisational number and is required for .SE/.NU contacts.

It starts with ISO 3166 Alpha-2 country code in square brackets. If the country code for Sweden is given [SE] a valid Swedish personal or organisational number must be given (6 digits, dash, 4 digits), otherwise 1 to 123 characters can follow.

If organization is empty and the country code for Sweden [SE] is given, orgid must be a personal number, not an organisational number.


"vatid" is optional for .SE/.NU contacts. It starts with a two letter country code (uppercase), followed by an optional space, followed by a country specific string containing digits 0-9, and letters a-z and A-Z, maximum 64 Chars.


For .fi contacts:


"x-ficora-type" is required for .fi contacts. The following values are accepted: privateperson, company, corporation, institution, politicalparty, township, government, publiccommunity


"x-ficora-registernumber" is required if x-ficora-type is set to "company".


"x-ficora-is-finnish" is always required for .fi contacts: yes = finnish company or person, no = not a finnish person or company


"x-ficora-identity" is required for .fi contacts, if x-ficora-type is set to 'privateperson' and x-ficora-is-finnish is set to 'yes'


"x-ficora-birthdate" is required for .fi contacts, if x-ficora-type is set to 'privateperson' and x-ficora-is-finnish is set to 'no' in the following date format "YYYY-MM-DD".



Please note:





  https://dmapi.joker.com/request/contact-create?tld=com&name=John Doe&email=johnd@someisp.com&address-1=Smartroad 1&city=Smalltown&postal-code=40122&country=US&phone=+1.422.8001&auth-sid=<your-current-session-id>






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handle contact handle to modify.


Field names exactly like in contact-create request, except that omitted fields won't be modified. That is, if you specify a field, it will be used as a new value, if you omit it, the old value will remain.

The field "tld" is not relevant for this request and will be ignored if present.



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handle contact handle to delete


With this request you can delete previously registered contacts











Last update: 2019-12-18 16:06

2.2 DMAPI >> Requests >> Nameservers




pattern pattern to match (against host name, like "ns.dom*")


include IPs if non-zero (0 or 1)



List of registered name servers, one per line.

If "full" is non-zero, then the list will include IP addresses, IPv4 (2nd column) and IPv6 (3rd column).

Columns will be separated by tab ("\t") character. If specific IP is not present (say, there is only IPv4 or IPv6), it will be listed as "-".


Example of list with IPs:

ns.example.com - 
ns6.example.com - FE80:0000:0000:0000:0202:B3FF:FE1E:8329 







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host Full qualified host name
ip IPv4 address (must not be from IANA's reserved range)
ipv6 IPv6 address (short notation like fec0::17 is accepted)

With this request a new nameserver can be registered with the registry. This is needed to use a nameserver with glue records.

Either an IPv4 or IPv6 address is required.


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This is an alias for ns-create.

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host full qualified host name
ip IPv4 address (must not be from IANA's reserved range)
ipv6 IPv6 address (short notation like 'fec0::17' is accepted)

With this request you can modify the IP address of a registered nameserver.


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This is an alias for ns-modify.


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host Full qualified host name

With this request you can delete a registered nameserver.


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This is an alias for ns-delete.


Last update: 2012-09-27 15:07

2.2 DMAPI >> Requests >> Modify Zonedata




pattern Pattern to match (globbing, like "dom*")



List zones (domains) which are managed and served by Joker.com name
servers. Zones are listed one per line.


Last update: 2019-12-18 16:21




domain Zone (domain) name to fetch data from




Returns list of zone records.

The format of zone is as follows (one record per line):

<label> <type> <pri> <target> <ttl> <valid-from> <valid-to> <parameters(s)> 




subdomain/redirection label, relative to current zone, or '@' (which means current zone name)




numeric value, meaningful only for types MX, NAPTR and SRV, must be 0 for all other types


record target/value. Must be quoted if contains spaces


record TTL (time to live) in seconds


record is not valid before this time (UNIX timestamp) or 0


record is not valid after this time (UNIX timestamp) or 0


record-specific parameter(s)


All values from "name" to "ttl" are mandatory for every record.

<valid-to> and <valid-from> are not implemented yet, so usually are 0, and may be omitted if there are no other parameters required.

<parameters(s)> are record dependent, used in NAPTR, MAILFW, FRAME and URL records.

<ttl> must be at least 60 for all records except NAPTR and SVC, where it can be 0 (meaning: no caching). For MAILFW/URL/FRAME <ttl> is irrelevant and assumed to be 60 seconds (i.e., any change will be
in effect within 60 seconds from zone change).

<pri> preference value for MX records, priority/weight for SRV records and order/preference for NAPTR records. For any other record, the value must be 0.

Examples of zone records:


www A 0 86400
www AAAA 0 fec0::17 86400

@ MX 10 mail.example.com. 86400

redirect URL 0 http://joker.com 86400


Sets redirection from redirect.joker.com to http://joker.com (assuming that current zone is "joker.com").

frame FRAME 0 http://joker.com 86400 0 0 "Header: Frame-Forward" "head" "title" "body"

Sets frame-based redirection similar to URL redirection.

For FRAME record, extra parameters are as follows:

username MAILFW 0 redirected@example.com 86400 0 0 1

This MAILFW records makes redirection of mail sent to username@joker.com (assuming that current zone name is "joker.com") to redirected@example.com, extra parameter ("1") specifies that spam-filtering should be used.

naptr NAPTR 10/100 replacement 86400 0 0 "flags" "service" "regex"

This NAPTR record has order 10 and preference 100. Only one of "replacement" or "regex" may be
specified, if "regex" is specified, "replacement" must be "." (without quotes), if "replacement"
is specified, "regex" must be empty string. Quotes are mandatory for all extra parameters.
For details please consult RFC 2915, or look here: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/NAPTR

_ldap._tcp SRV 10/100 ldap.example.com:389 60

This SRV record has priority 10, weight 100, target "ldap.example.com" and port "389" with TTL 60 seconds. Please consult RFC 2782 for details.

txt TXT 0 "key=value" 86400

Quoting of values for TXT records is mandatory.

caa   CAA 0   issue "letsencrypt.org" 86400
caa   CAA 0   issuewild "letsencrypt.org" 86400

caa   CAA 0   iodef "mailto:certissues@example.com" 86400


For more information about CAA records please check Wikipedia. 


www CNAME 0 example.com. 86400

Two special record types, DYNA and DYNAAAA, are used in case if DynDNS is active.
They have same meaning as corresponding "A" and "AAAA" records, except that their targets may be updated using Joker DynDNS service.

To enable/disable DynDNS service, and to define username/password used to access it, the record format is as follows:


username/password may not contain spaces or colon (":") characters. If "no" is specified instead of "yes", DynDNS will be turned off (i.e. DYN* entries will have no effect).

In case if there are any errors, zone modification will not be accepted. All errors will be reported for every erroneous line, so if there are more than one, you will be able to see all detected errors.


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Zone (domain) name to store data to


URL encoded zone data





Replace current zone for provided domain with specified value.

Field "zone" will be parsed as multiline text (so usual line erminators are expected).


Warning: This request will overwrite current zone, i.e. all current ecords will be replaced by new records.

The format of zone is as follows (one record per line):

<label> <type> <pri> <target> <ttl> <valid-from> <valid-to> <parameters(s)>


Please find a detailed description of format syntax at section dns-zone-get.


Last update: 2019-12-18 16:22

2.2 DMAPI >> Requests >> Rights and Roles





Full qualified domain name



showkey Show invitation access key


Get a list of active and pending grants.

Returns lines in the following format (space-separated):

invitation <nr> <scope> <key> domain <domain-name> <role> - - - <invitee-email> <nick-name> grant <nr> <scope> domain <domain-name> <role> <inviter-username> <invitee-username> <invitee-userid> <invitee-email> <nick-name> 



<nr> record number
<scope>    Grant/Invite id (used to uniquely identify records for revocation)
<key> Invitation access key, present only when "showkey" is non-zero; it has meaning only for pending invitations, and always is "-" for grants
<domain-name> domain name (identical to domain in request)
<role> one of @admin/@billing/@tech/@creator
<inviter-username> your username (owner of the domain)
<invitee-username> username of invited user
[leave empty] user-ID of invited user  
<nick-name> name or comment you want to assign to this role



Last update: 2019-12-18 16:16



Request parameters:



domain Full qualified domain name



Email of user to be invited to accept a role for 'domain'



Role offered (@admin/@billing/@tech/@creator)



receiving Joker.com user id as shown on Joker.com - also conforms to reseller-id



Name or comment for this role/grant for later identification (defaults to email)



With this request you can assign 'Roles' (permissions) of domains to other Joker.com users. The special role "creator" is an equivalent to an internal transfer of that domain to another Joker.com user. In this case, the domain is assigned to the receiving account's portfolio, including all rights and permissions on this domain.

There are two variants to use this functionality: If the client-uid (Joker.com user account id) is given, and the client-uid matches the associated user's email address in our system, the role is applied immediately - there will be no request for confirmation on the receiver's side. In case the client-uid is not given, but only the email address, the transaction has to be acknowledged by the receiving user. For this, he will get an email ('invitation'), containing a link and a key. Either the link has to be clicked, or the key has to be applied using Joker.com (=> Transfer). This can also be used for users which do not yet have a Joker.com account.


Please see more details: How to grant roles (= grant permissions to others)?.

Returns status only (ok or not). Email is sent if request was succesfull.


Last update: 2019-12-18 16:20




domain full qualified domain name


Role to be revoked from domain (@admin/@billing/@tech/@creator)


identifier from 'grants-list' request


type of the record to revoke - "grant" or "invitation"


Deletes an issued grant (permission) of a domain, or a pending invitation for a grant.

Returns status only (ok or not). Email is sent if request was succesfull.




Last update: 2019-12-18 16:20

2.2 DMAPI >> Requests >> Other




Domain name      
Exactly one of those must be specified. Only objects registered with Joker.com may be queried.
contact Contact handle
host Nameserver



Information about specified object (similar to whois), in format "key: value".

This request is deprecated - please use ' query-whois' instead.


Last update: 2019-12-18 16:19




Domain name Exactly one of those must be specified. Only objects registered with Joker.com may be queried.
contact Contact handle
host Nameserver



Information about specified object (similar to whois), in the format "key: value".

The difference to the query-object request is, that this request reflects actual (live) data in Joker.com database, while query-object may show data which not yet up-to-date.

Last update: 2019-12-18 16:19



Lists all domains and owner emails of domains from your portfolio which are pending whois (email) verification.

For Whois validation, the email address of the owner contact of a newly created, transfered or modifed gTLD has to be verified.This verification is done by sending an email to the owner contact, which contains a unique key in a link. When this link is clicked, the related email address is set to "validated".


For full ICANN policy, please see Whois-Validation.









email address of the domain owner which is pending verification
domain-name domain name where email is the owner
verification deadline, i.e. if by this date and time (specified in standard ISO format) email is not positively verified, the domain name listed may be deactivated






Last update: 2019-12-18 16:24



Returns email verification status and the associated domain for provided verification key (whois verification, email validation).If there is more than one domain using the email address to be verified, output will have one line per domain.


For full ICANN policy, please see Whois-Validation.




key Verification key sent to owner by verification email






is 'verification', if 'key' is a valid verification key
email email address 'key' has been sent to
domain related domain




Last update: 2019-12-18 16:24



Triggers a new email verification. In case the original verification email got lost or did not succeed otherwise, this request will send a new email. The original key will be automatically included.

This request returns special response header "Result", which will contain "ACK" if the validation request has been sent successfully, or "NACK" otherwise, e.g. if the email address is not in "verification pending" status, or already verified (whois verification, email validation).


For full ICANN policy, please see Whois-Validation.




email   Email address to send validation request to. This must be domain owner's email address.



Result: ACK    validation request has been sent
Result: NACK   no validation request has been sent for this email





Last update: 2019-12-18 16:24


Set an email address to 'validated' by using the correct key, and voting with 'yes'.

This request returns a special response header "Result", which will contain "ACK" if the verification has been accepted or "NACK" otherwise, e.g. in case the key is not correct (whois verification, email validation).

This is usefull e.g. in case you want to implement your own indivídual landing page for your customers. The URL for this landing page can be set in Joker.com's 'Reseller Settings'.


For full ICANN policy, please see Whois-Validation.




key      Verification key sent to owner by verification email
answer Answer to verification request - "yes" or "no"

If the answer is "yes", the verification status is set to "verified" and email is confirmed as valid, if the answer is "no", then verification status is set to "invalid". If there is no answer before verification deadline (normally 15 days), the status is also set to "invalid".




Result: ACK    validation request has been successful
Result: NACK   validation request has been rejected or failed





Last update: 2014-07-15 15:23



This request adds a subscription to Whois Privacy Services to an existing domain name.

A summary of all privacy related DMAPI commands is also available at DMAPI Whois Privacy Services.


Requires (mandatory):

domain domain name to order privacy service for




Accepts (optional):

period renewal period in months (not in years!)


the wanted expiration year (e.g. '2016')


"expyear" is a safety option which can be used instead of "period" to order privacy until the specified year (not longer).

If you use "period", and by mistake send the request more than once, the order would be executed again, while with "expyear", it will not be renewed if it's expiration year is greater or equals to the specified one.

Only one of "period" or "expyear" may be used, but not both.


If neither period nor expyear is provided, then privacy is ordered for the remaining domain lifetime, whatever it is.


Important: Please note that registration period is in months, not years! In most cases, this number is a multiple of 12.






This would order privacy service "pro" for the same period as the current term of the domain "example.com".

Last update: 2019-12-18 16:25



Authorizes a 'Change of Registrant' (COR) according to the ICANN IRTP-C policy as of 2016-12-01.

Please find the full documentation of the process at Joker.com here, the original ICANN policy is available here.


This request can be used if you did not setup a verification 'push' URL with our provided module (see link above), or you want to use the standard email procedure.


This request returns special response header "Result", which will contain "ACK" if the authorization request has been sent successfully, or "NACK" otherwise, e.g. if the key sent does not match the transaction.




key     authorization key (provided in COR confirmation request)
answer answer to confirm the COR - "yes" or "no"

If the answer is "yes", the change-of-registrant will be executed, if in case of "no", it will be rejected. Please also note the new flag 'lock-opt-out' in 'domain-owner-change' if you do not want to lock the domain after the COR for 60 days.


Result: ACK    authorization key has been accepted
Result: NACK   authorization key has not been accepted



  https://dmapi.joker.com/request/cor-verify?key=<authorization key sent by Joker.com>&answer=yes&auth-sid=<your-current-session-id>


Last update: 2016-11-14 16:10



List of domain prices per action and year (separated by tab) in the currency of the reseller account. The prices already include the reseller discount and also vat if it applies.









Last update: 2020-12-14 11:23

2.2 DMAPI >> Examples >> Perl

List domains of a customer

use LWP::UserAgent;

my $dmapiURL = "https://dmapi.joker.com/request";

my $ua
= LWP::UserAgent-> new;

my $req
= HTTP::Request-> new(GET => $dmapiURL.'/login?username='.shift().'&password='.shift());
my $res = $ua-> request($req);

unless ($res-> is_success) {
"Failed: ", $res-> status_line, "n";
exit -

my $auth=$res-> as_string;
my $output;

if ($auth =~ /Auth-Sid:s*(w+)/ms) {
$req=HTTP::Request-> new(GET => $dmapiURL.'/query-domain-list?auth-sid='.$1);
$res = $ua-> request($req);
if (
$res-> is_success) {
$output=$res-> content;

"Failed: ", $res-> status_line, "n";
exit -

else {
"Failed: Got no auth-id from DMAPI:n";
$res-> content;
exit -

my @lines=split ("n",$output);
my $month=now + ("2M");
my %list;

my $p=0;
my $line(@lines) {
#Skip first line
next unless $p or $line =~ /^s*$/;
unless ($p) { $p=1; next};
my ($fqdn,$exp)=split ("[ t]+",$line);

for (sort keys %list) {


Last update: 2016-01-13 16:59

List domains to expire next month


Class::Date and Date::Parse from CPAN!


use LWP::UserAgent;
use Class::
Date qw(:errors date localdate gmdate now -DateParse);

my $dmapiURL
= "

my $ua
= LWP::UserAgent-> new;
my $req = HTTP::Request-> new(GET => $dmapiURL. '/login?username='.shift().'&password='.shift());
my $res = $ua-> request($req);

unless ($res-> is_success) {
"Failed: ", $res-> status_line, "n";
exit -

my $auth=$res-> as_string;
my $output;

if ($auth =~ /Auth-Sid:s*(w+)/ms) {
$req=HTTP::Request-> new(GET => $dmapiURL. '/query-domain-list?auth-sid='.$1);
$res = $ua-> request($req);

if ($res-> is_success) {
$output=$res-> content;
else {
"Failed: ", $res-> status_line, "n";
exit -
else {
"Failed: Got no auth-id from DMAPI:n";
$res-> content;
exit -

my @lines=split ("n",$output);
my $month=now + ("2M");
my %list;

my $p=0;
my $line(@lines) {
#Skip first line
next unless $p or $line =~ /^s*$/;
unless ($p) { $p=1; next};
my ($fqdn,$exp)=split ("[ t]+",$line);
next unless localdate($exp) < $month;

for ( map {$_-> [0]}
sort {
$a-> [1] < => $b-> [1]
$a-> [2] cmp $b-> [2]
map {[$_, localdate $list{$_},$_]}
keys %list ) {


Last update: 2012-09-27 15:45

Replace admin-c in multiple domains



# replace admin-c in multiple domains
use LWP::UserAgent;
use Data::Dumper;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => 'https://dmapi.joker.com/request/login?username='.shift().'&password='.shift());
my $res = $ua->request($req);
#--Admin-C :
my %ADMIN = ( de =>'CODE-12345' , org => 'CORG-12345', com => 'CCOM-12345', 'eu' => 'c12345' );
unless ($res->is_success) {
  print "Failed: ", $res->status_line, "\n";
  exit -1;
my $auth=$res->as_string;
my $output;
if ($auth =~ /Auth-Sid:\s*([a-z0-9]+)/m ) {
$auth = $1;
} else {
  print "Failed: Got no auth-id from DMAPI:\n";
  print $res->content;
  exit -3;
while ( <DATA> ) {
  my $fqdn = $_;
  ## for 3rd level domains this must be changed!
  my ( $sld, $tld ) = split ( /\./ , $fqdn );
  my $admin = $ADMIN{ $tld };
$req=HTTP::Request->new(GET => 'https://dmapi.joker.com/request/domain-modify?domain='.$fqdn.'&admin-c='.$admin.'&auth-sid='.$auth);
$res = $ua->request($req);
  if ($res->is_success) {
     print $output;
  } else {
     print "Failed: ", $res->status_line, "\n";
     exit -2;


Last update: 2016-01-13 16:59

2.2 DMAPI >> Examples >> PHP

Read first - important for PHP examples

Please note that there is full DMAPI based interface written in PHP available. It is free to download and modify, and could be downloaded from Sourceforge.
Please read more at section Reseller Control Panel.
The published examples in PHP are parts of this project and are stripped in terms of functionality and error handling. It is strongly recommended to use the complete code base from Sourceforge.

Last update: 2016-01-13 16:57

List domains of a customer



//sends HTTP request using CURL

function query_host($conn_server, $params = "", $get_header = false)

    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $conn_server.$params);
    if (preg_match("/^https:\/\//i", $conn_server)) {
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);

    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);

    if ($get_header) {
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);

    else {
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);

    $result = curl_exec($ch);

    if (curl_errno($ch)) {
        print "curl error";

    else {

    return $result;

//builds query, sends request and gets the answer back

function execute_request($request, $params, &$sessid)
    //build the query
    $http_query = "/request/" . $request . "?" . $params   ."&auth-sid=".$sessid."&client-ip=".$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
    //send the request
    $raw_res = query_host("https://dmapi.joker.com", $http_query, true);
    $temp_arr = @explode("\r\n\r\n", $raw_res, 2);
    //split the response for further processing
    if (is_array($temp_arr) && 2 == count($temp_arr)) {
        return $temp_arr[1];

    else {
        return false;

//basic parsing of the DMAPI header

function parse_response_header($header)
    $raw_arr = explode("\n", trim($header));
    $result = array();
    if (is_array($raw_arr)) {
        foreach ($raw_arr as $key => $value)
            $keyval = array();
            if (preg_match("/^([^\s]+):\s+(.+)\s*$/", $value, $keyval)) {
                $arr[strtolower($keyval[1])] = $keyval[2];

            else {
                print "Header line not parseable - pattern does not match\nRaw header:\n$value";

    else {
        $arr = "";
        print "Unidentified error\nRaw header:\n$header";

    return $arr;

//parses the reply from DMAPI into a header and body
function parse_response($res)
    $raw_arr = explode("\n\n", trim($res));
    $arr_elements = count($raw_arr);
    if ($arr_elements > 0) {
        $temp["response_header"] = parse_response_header($raw_arr["0"]);
        $temp["response_body"] = $raw_arr["1"];

    else {
        print "Couldn't split the response into response header and response body\nRaw result:\n$res";
        $temp = "";

return $temp;

$response = "";
$authid = "none";
//first obtaining an Auth-ID
$username = "<your username here>";
$password = "<your password here>";
$fields = "username=".urlencode($username)."&password=".urlencode($password);
$result = execute_request("login", $fields, $authid);
$result = parse_response($result);
$authid = $result["response_header"]["auth-sid"];
if (!$authid) {
    print "no auth-id was obtained - probably due to wrong username or password";

//now asking for the domain list
$pattern = "*";
$fields = "pattern=".urlencode($pattern);
$result = execute_request("query-domain-list", $fields, $authid);
$result = parse_response($result);

print "< br /> ";



Last update: 2016-01-13 16:58

2.2 DMAPI >> Examples >> Python


Python is easy to use with DMAPI. Our examples are tested with python 3 on Windows and Linux, but should work on all platforms.

Running the Python example will look like:


$ ./dmapi-example.py 
Request-URL:  https://dmapi.ote.joker.com/request/login
Login: Status-Code: 0

Request-URL:  https://dmapi.ote.joker.com/request/query-domain-list
Domain List: Status-Code: 0

 domain: another-privacy-test.com
 expiration_date: 2018-06-30

 domain: another-privacy-test.net
 expiration_date: 2020-06-30

Request-URL:  https://dmapi.ote.joker.com/request/logout
Logout: Status-Code: 0

Last update: 2021-07-05 09:39

Login and list your domains

#!/usr/bin/env python
import requests
dmapiURL = 'https://dmapi.ote.joker.com'
dmapiUser = 'username'
dmapiPassword = 'password'
def main():
    loginResponse = login(dmapiUser,dmapiPassword)
    print("Login: Status-Code:", loginResponse.header['Status-Code'])
    if loginResponse.header['Status-Code'] !='0':
    sessionId = loginResponse.header['Auth-Sid'];
    domainResponse = domainList(sessionId,1,5)
    print("Domain List: Status-Code:", domainResponse.header['Status-Code'])
    domains = domainResponse.resultListWithNames()
    for domain in domains:
        for key, value in domain.items():
            print(" %s: %s" % (key, value))
    logoutResponse = logout(sessionId)
    print("Logout: Status-Code:", logoutResponse.header['Status-Code'])
# implement dmapi commands as functions
def login(username,password):
    parameters = { 'username': username, 'password': password }
    message = sendCommand('login', parameters)
    return message;
def logout(sessionId):
    parameters = { 'auth-sid': sessionId }
    message = sendCommand('logout', parameters)
    return message;
def domainList(sessionId, list_from=1, list_to=""):
    parameters = { 'auth-sid': sessionId , 'from': list_from, 'to': list_to }
    message = sendCommand('query-domain-list', parameters)
    return message;
# general dmapi command call
def sendCommand(command,parameter={}):
        url = dmapiURL+'/request/'+command
        print("Request-URL: ", url)
        response = requests.get(url, params=parameter)
        # print URL with parameters for debugging purposes
        # print("Request-URL: ", response.url)
        if response.status_code != requests.codes.ok:
            raise CommandError("Command Failed! HTTP Status Code: %s" % response.status_code)
        return DmapiResponse(response.text)
    except requests.ConnectionError as e:
        raise CommandError("Connection Error: %s" % str(e))
    except requests.HTTPError as e:
        raise CommandError("Http Error: %s" % str(e))
    except CommandError as e:
    except Exception as e:
       raise CommandError("Unexpected Error: %s" % str(e))
class DmapiResponse():
    def __init__(self,responseBody):
        parts = responseBody.split("\n\n",1)
        if len(parts)>0:
            self.header = self.__parseKeyValueList(parts[0])
        if len(parts)>1:
            self.body = parts[1]
    def __parseKeyValueList(self,text):
        lines = text.split("\n")
        keyValueList = {}
        for line in lines:
            keyValue = line.split(' ',1)
            key = keyValue[0].rstrip(':')
            value = keyValue[1]
            keyValueList[key] = value
        return keyValueList
    def __getSeparator(self):
        if self.header.get('Separator') == 'TAB':
            return "\t"
            return " "
    def resultList(self):
        lines = self.body.split("\n")
        resultList = []
        separator = self.__getSeparator()
        for line in lines:
            values = line.split(separator)
        return resultList
    def resultListWithNames(self):
        columnNames = self.resultListColumns()
        resultList = []
        if len(columnNames) > 0:
            rawList = self.resultList()
            resultList = []
            for row in rawList:
                columns = {}
                for idx, column in enumerate(row):
                    columns[columnNames[idx]] = column
        return resultList
    def resultListColumns(self):
        if 'Columns' in self.header:
            columnsText = self.header['Columns']
            columns = columnsText.split(',')
            return columns
            return []
    def resultValues(self):
        return self.__parseKeyValueList(self.body)
class CommandError(Exception):
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value
    def __str__(self):
        return repr(self.value)
# call main function
except CommandError as e:
    print("Error:", str(e).strip("'"))

Last update: 2021-07-05 09:35

Login and list all A and CNAME records

#!/usr/bin/env python
import requests

dmapiURL = 'https://dmapi.joker.com'
dmapiUser = 'username'
dmapiPassword = 'password'

def main():
    loginResponse = login(dmapiUser,dmapiPassword)
    #print("Login: Status-Code:", loginResponse.header['Status-Code'])
    if loginResponse.header['Status-Code'] !='0':

    sessionId = loginResponse.header['Auth-Sid'];
    dnsZoneListResponse = dnsZoneList(sessionId,"")
    #print("DNS Zone List: Status-Code:", dnsZoneListResponse.header['Status-Code'])
    dnslist = dnsZoneListResponse.resultList()
    for row in dnslist:
        domain = row[0]
        expiration = row[1]
        #print(" domain: %s" % (domain))
        #print(" expiration: %s" % (expiration))
        dnsZoneResponse = dnsZoneGet(sessionId, domain)
        #print("DNS Zone GET for %s: Status-Code:" % (domain), dnsZoneResponse.header['Status-Code'])
        zoneEntries = dnsZoneResponse.resultList()
        for entry in zoneEntries:
            #print(' '.join(entry))
            if len(entry)<5:
            eLabel = entry[0]
            eType = entry[1]
            ePriority = entry[2]
            eTarget = entry[3]
            eTTL = entry[4]
            if eType == 'A' or eType == 'CNAME':
                print(("%s.%s\t%s" % (eLabel,domain,eTarget)).lstrip('@.'))

    logoutResponse = logout(sessionId)
    #print "Logout: Status-Code:", logoutResponse.header['Status-Code']

# implement dmapi commands as functions
def login(username,password):
    parameters = { 'username': username, 'password': password }
    message = sendCommand('login', parameters)
    return message;

def logout(sessionId):
    parameters = { 'auth-sid': sessionId }
    message = sendCommand('logout', parameters)
    return message;

def domainList(sessionId, pattern="", list_from=1, list_to=""):
    parameters = { 'auth-sid': sessionId , 'from': list_from, 'to': list_to, 'pattern': pattern }
    message = sendCommand('query-domain-list', parameters)
    return message;

def dnsZoneList(sessionId, pattern="", list_from=1, list_to=""):
    parameters = { 'auth-sid': sessionId , 'from': list_from, 'to': list_to, 'pattern': pattern }
    message = sendCommand('dns-zone-list', parameters)
    return message;

def dnsZoneGet(sessionId, domain):
    parameters = { 'auth-sid': sessionId , 'domain': domain }
    message = sendCommand('dns-zone-get', parameters)
    return message;

# general dmapi command call
def sendCommand(command,parameter={}):
        url = dmapiURL+'/request/'+command
        #print("Request-URL: ", url)
        response = requests.get(url, params=parameter)
        # print URL with parameters for debugging purposes
        # print("Request-URL: ", response.url)
        if response.status_code != requests.codes.ok:
            raise CommandError("Command Failed! HTTP Status Code: %s" % response.status_code)
        return DmapiResponse(response.text)
    except requests.ConnectionError as e:
        raise CommandError("Connection Error: %s" % str(e))
    except requests.HTTPError as e:
        raise CommandError("Http Error: %s" % str(e))
    except CommandError as e:
    except Exception as e:
       raise CommandError("Unexpected Error: %s" % str(e))

class DmapiResponse():
    def __init__(self,responseBody):
        parts = responseBody.split("\n\n",1)
        if len(parts)>0:
            self.header = self.__parseKeyValueList(parts[0])
        if len(parts)>1:
            self.body = parts[1]

    def __parseKeyValueList(self,text):
        lines = text.split("\n")
        keyValueList = {}
        for line in lines:
            keyValue = line.split(' ',1)
            key = keyValue[0].rstrip(':')
            value = keyValue[1]
            keyValueList[key] = value
        return keyValueList

    def __getSeparator(self):
        if self.header.get('Separator') == 'TAB':
            return "\t"
            return " "

    def resultList(self):
        lines = self.body.split("\n")
        resultList = []
        separator = self.__getSeparator()
        for line in lines:
            values = line.split(separator)
        return resultList

    def resultListWithNames(self):
        columnNames = self.resultListColumns()
        resultList = []
        if len(columnNames) > 0:
            rawList = self.resultList()
            resultList = []
            for row in rawList:
                columns = {}
                for idx, column in enumerate(row):
                    columns[columnNames[idx]] = column
        return resultList

    def resultListColumns(self):
        if 'Columns' in self.header:
            columnsText = self.header['Columns']
            columns = columnsText.split(',')
            return columns
            return []

    def resultValues(self):
        return self.__parseKeyValueList(self.body)

class CommandError(Exception):
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value
    def __str__(self):
        return repr(self.value)

# call main function
except CommandError as e:
    print("Error:", str(e).strip("'"))

Last update: 2021-07-05 09:52

2.2 DMAPI >> Examples >> C#

C# / .NET Demonstration /w Code

Applications for domain management with DMAPI are very easy to create using MS Visual Studio. This example code logs into the Joker.com system using DMAPI requests.

It provides a domain listing, whois lookup and "Email verification".


This has been tested using Visual Studio 2008 and 2010, but should work with any version, and also with free Visual Studio Express and .NET versions from 3.5 onwards. Please find the source code as an attachment below.


We also provide this as a windows binary to try without the need of building it before. In case you run Windows 10 with "Smartscreen", you have to click on "more information" to execute this, since this binray of course is not signed by a "manufacturer"...


This is how this will look like:


C#/.NEt DMAPI Example



Last update: 2016-01-20 16:15

2.2 DMAPI >> Basics


Login & Security


All transactions are secured by SSL. The DMAPI server is using an official SSL certificate. Within the login procedure, the client is assigned an unique authorisation id ('Auth-Sid').


Username and Password

Every request (except login, of course) requires the presence of this Auth-Sid variable. An active session will expire after a period of inactivity (default: 1 hour).





In case you use a browser to access this interface, a session id will be set as a cookie, hence need not to be specified as Auth-Sid (unless cookies are not supported, or turned off). In any case, Auth-Sid has precedence if provided.


API Keys

Instead of using your user- and password credentials, you may also use so called 'API keys' for login. This way, you can create several DMAPI access facilities, which has several advantages:


Create your API keys in 'My Profile' in section 'Manage Joker.com API access keys'


Example usage:




The result is the same as for "login"-request, you have to use the provided auth-sid for the subsequent actions.



Last update: 2019-12-18 16:26

Commonalities for all requests



This is the service address which has to be used for all requests:



This is how a request looks like:




Header fields which are returned by most requests

Tracking Id Unique server-assigned tracking id, assigned to almost all requests 
Status-Code 0 if no error occured, otherwise other than 0
Status-Text Human readable error description
Result ACK or NACK (= "Acknowlegded" or "Not Acknowledged") 
Error May be returned if (and only if) the request was rejected, in this case reason(s) will be provided. Presence of this line in headers is indicative for that processing didn't take place.
Warning Indicative of non-fatal processing or validation problems
Proc-Id Joker.com processing ID 
HTTP error codes 200 if everything is OK (request was accepted and processed or queued for processing), otherwise the reason will be provided in Error header lines (or, if this is absent, HTTP error code should be used).


IMPORTANT: Every request (except "login") requires the presence of the Auth-Sid variable ("Session ID"), which is returned by the "login" request (login). An active session will expire after some inactivity period (default: 1 hour).


In case you are using a browser to access this service, the session id will be set as a cookie, hence need not to be specified as Auth-Sid (unless cookies are not supported or turned off). In any case, Auth-Sid has precedence, if provided.


Requests consist of these parts:


Last update: 2019-12-18 16:27

Whois Privacy Services with DMAPI

Whois Privacy Services


Please find general details about Joker.com Whois Privacy Services here: Whois Privacy Services

Privacy services are available for most generic top level domain names. The availablitiy of privacy services is indicated in Joker.com's price list and domain search.


For requests "domain-register" and "domain-transfer-in-reseller", there exists an additional parameter "privacy":


For "domain-renew", the additional parameter privacy works similar:


To order privacy services for existing domains, the new request "domain-privacy-order"can be used:

    period=12 (in months, as usual)
    expyear=2016 (privacy expiration year, similar to domain renewal request)

    If neither period nor expyear is provided, then privacy is ordered for
    remaining domain lifetime, whatever it is.



The request "domain-set-property" allows to manage privacy services for domains which already do have a valid privacy service subscription:



Ordering domain with privacy:



Renew domain and order privacy:



Request incoming transfer and enable privacy:



Temporarily disable privacy (assuming that it is active):



Fetch real contact data from privacy protected domain:



Last update: 2017-06-12 10:45

Differences to Email Gateway


The main differences in handling between DMAPI and Email Gateway at Joker.com are:

NOTE: Not retrieved replies will be kept on the server for a period of 30 days, after this time,  only the status of specific request will be available (success or failure).

IMPORTANT: Please also note that the registration/renewal period is in MONTHS, NOT YEARS! This is to allow future micro-registrations.


Last update: 2016-04-04 13:43

2.2 DMAPI >> Plugins & Interfaces

WHMCS Registrar Module


WHMCS Registrar Module

WHMCS is a popular web hosting and automation solution, which includes billing and support options.WHMCS Joker.com Registrar Module

If you are using WHMCS for your hosting activities, you may interface Joker.com  with WHMCS' domain functionality to easily order and manage domains from within WHMCS. 1)


Joker.com maintains a registrar module for WHMCS, which offers a great load of  features to interface Joker.com seamlessly from within WHMCS:


The following registrar core functionality is provided:

Additionally, also these features are provided:



Please extract the contents of the below attached ZIP archive into the folder


Download Joker.com WHMCS plugin

of your WHMCS installation.
The configuration of the Joker.com registrar module is done by using the WHMCS admin section. For this, please login as "admin" into your WHMCS installation, and navigate to

Setup -> Products/Services -> Domain Registrars

Pick "Joker.com" from the list, "Activate" the plugin, and enter your Joker.com
Reseller's credentials - the same you are using for DMAPI.

Alternatively, you also may use Joker.com API keys.

You also may choose to use the "TestMode" for dry run on our OT&E platform, or to configure the free Joker.com nameservers as a default for new domains.

Once activated, you may always change these settings by clicking on "Configure".
Don't forget to "Save Changes" after doing so.


You will find most options for domains in section "Clients -> Domain registrations" - click on the domain name to see all domain details.
A special command there is "Sync" at the 'Registrar Commands' - this will trigger a manual sync of a domain's status and expiration date with Joker.com, in case it was modified outside of WHMCS.

This is usually also done automatically by the 'WHMCS domainsync cron' - please make sure that you added this with your WHMCS installation.

Please send us your feedback: reseller-support@joker.com

1) the WHMCS plugin is provided "as-is" without any further obligation or promise of quality or reliability. The normal Joker.com Terms & Conditions apply. WHMCS Limited is responsible for the functionality and availability of the WHMCS system.


Version History


New in version 1.3.3


New in version 1.3.2


New in version 1.3.1


New in version 1.3.0


New in version 1.2.5


New in version 1.2.4


New in version 1.2.3


New in version 1.2.2


New in version 1.2.1


New in version 1.2.0


New in version 1.1.5


New in version 1.1.4


New in version 1.1.3


New in version 1.1.2


New in version 1.1.1


New in version 1.1.0


New in version 1.0.4:


This version has been tested with WHMCS 6.x, WHMCS 7.10.2 and WHMCS 8.1.3

Last update: 2022-07-07 11:26

Simple WHMCS Plugin

WHMCS Hosting & Billing Plugin 

WHMCS is a popular web hosting and automation solution, which includes billing and support options.

If you are using WHMCS for your hosting activities, you may interface Joker.com with WHMCS' domain functionality to easily order and manage domains from within WHMCS.


This is a very light weight and simple plugin, therefore very easy to install (you will find instructions in the readme of the zip archive below).

However, features are basic, and you have to configure a fixed set of contact handles for each TLD you want to use.

Any TLD of Joker.com should work.


This plugin is provided as an example to show, how easy it is to connect Joker.com to WHMCS using DMAPI. You may also use it as a starting point for your own experiments.


For a full integration of Joker.com into WHMCS, please use our official fully-featured Joker.com WHMCS Registrar Module.



Last update: 2016-04-11 14:06

Clientexec Registrar Plugin


Clientexec Registrar Plugin

Clientexec is a popular web hosting and automation solution, which includes billing and support options.Clientexec Joker.com Registrar Module

If you are using Clientexec for your hosting activities, you may interface Joker.com  with Clientexec domain functionality to easily order and manage domains from within Clientexec. 1)


Joker.com maintains a registrar module for Clientexec, which offers a great load of  features to interface Joker.com seamlessly from within Clientexec:


The following registrar core functionality is provided:- domain availability check

Clientexec Joker.com Registrar Module



The installation is easy, the plugin is already included with each copy of Clientexec, just activate the "Joker.com plugin" from within Clientexec:

Settings => Plugins => Registrars: Select "Joker.com" from the list, and enter your Joker.com API key.



Create customers, and register domains with "Packages => Order Domain Services"...


Known Issues:


*) this is a limitation of Clientexec

Please send us your feedback: reseller-support@joker.com


1) the Clientexec plugin is provided "as-is" without any further obligation or promise of quality or reliability. The normal Joker.com Terms & Conditions apply. 


Version History


Last update: 2022-03-29 09:56

Hostbill Joker.com Module


Hostbill Registrar Plugin

Hostbill is a popular web hosting and automation solution, which includesHostbill


If you are using Hostbill for your hosting activities, you can integrate Joker.com  for the domain management  within Hostbill using the Joker.com plugin. 1)


At Hostbill's Joker.com-plugin page you find an overview of what is provided by our module:




The installation is easy, the plugin is already included with Hostbill, just activate the "Joker.com plugin" from within Hostbill:

SelectSettings -> Modules -> Domain Modules, choose Joker.com from the list and "activate".



Please find an easy step-by-step documentation at Hostbill's Joker.com plugin wiki.


Please send us your feedback: reseller-support@joker.com


1) the Hostbill plugin is provided without any further obligation or promise of quality or reliability. The normal Joker.com restriction conditions apply.


Last update: 2022-03-29 09:59